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Remote Year: 12 Countries in 12 Months with Cynthia Fortlage
If you could work from anywhere, would you? Solopreneur Cynthia has begun 2020 in Chile with the program Remote Year Zenith. I find out about how she is travelling to 12 countries alongside 27 other travellers, AND continues her consulting business in co-working spaces worldwide. This isn’t Cynthia’s first leap. In the past 5 years, she has done a major career change, transitioned from male to female, and built a business anchored to the concept of ‘acceptance without understanding’.
- Insurance from World Nomads: https://www.worldnomads.ca
- Remote Year: https://remoteyear.com
- Additional emergency support from International SOS via RY: https://www.internationalsos.com
- Find Cynthia!
- Website: Acceptance Without Understanding http://cfortlage.blogspot.com
- Twitter https://twitter.com/cfortlage
- Instagram: @caf_traveldiva or @cafortlage
- Facebook (please send a message that you listened to the podcast) https://www.facebook.com/cfortlage
- Linkedin: @Cynthia Fortlage